Do You Provide Free Consultations? (2024 update)

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Do You Provide Free Consultations? (2024 update)

Jan 06, 2024

If the question is “Will you meet with me, hear my story and give me free legal advice,” the answer is “No, we do not give free legal advice.”

If the question is “I have a matter that requires an experienced entertainment attorney, will you meet with me to see if we’re a good fit” then the answer is “Yes, we provide free consultations.” We have found that the “fit” is a crucial component in the attorney-client relationship. You must feel comfortable with us, and we must feel comfortable working with you for the relationship to be successful.

Because it is impossible to determine which of the above questions a prospective client is asking until we meet, we charge $750 for the initial assessment meeting. If we decide to work together, you will receive a $750 credit on the first bill. In other words, if you retain us, the initial consultation is free.

Pfeiffer Law Corp emphasizes social media.

Originally Posted: September 2, 2015
Last Updated: January 6, 2024

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